Theano: Overview

Theano is a Python library that enables using a compatible GPU (Graphical Processing Unit) of the computer for numerical computation, which is far superior in performance terms to computation by the computer’s CPU (Central Processing Unit).

Because of its huge performance-boosting benefits, Theano is prominent in extremely data-intensive, large-scale Machine Learning applications such as those in cutting-edge Neural Networks-based Deep Learning.

Having said that, Theano is still very young ("young" = nice word for "buggy") and its setup, configuration and usage demand a high degree of risk-taking and perseverance. :( (It helps if you are good with your friends and hence enjoy good karma)

We will hence use Theano only on a limited, experimental basis for some exercises in Neural Networks, and we will install it in such a way that if your computer does not have an NVIDIA GPU, Theano will fall back to NumPy, which is Python’s default numerical computation library.

In case you are unsuccessful in struggling through the Theano installation, we will use a non-Theano-dependent library for the Neural Networks exercises.

Theano Installation and Configuration on Mac

You may refer to the Theano installation and configuration guide for Mac here.

Appropriate steps vary from machine to machine. Consult Dr. Google and *Prof. Stack Overflow whenever you get stuck.

In the Teaching Assistants’ own experience, the recommended key steps include:

  1. Install the Anaconda Python v2.7 distribution *(this should be already done, per instructions in a previous section)
  2. Install the additional Conda & PyPI packages per instructions in the previous section
  3. Install the Clang compiler through installing the Xcode app VERSION 6.2 from the Apple Developer site and running XCode once to install its command-line tools
    • if you have Xcode version >6.2, uninstall / delete it and install v6.2
    • copy the app to the /Applications/ folder and rename it ""
  4. Install the CUDA graphics driver and toolkit v7 from NDIVIA in order to use the GPU to perform numerical computation
    • CUDA Toolkit installation manual here
    • add the following to the .bash_profile file in your home folder:
      • export PATH=/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-7.5/bin:$PATH
      • export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-7.5/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
  5. Copy the .theanorc file in the [Your Course Repository Folder]/Computing/Python/Theano/Mac folder to the /[Your Username]/ home folder, customize the copied file (NOT the original file) according to the comments, and save it
  6. Restart your machine for changes to take effect

One common source of error in setting up Theano on Mac concerns the BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) libraries * Refer here for some troubleshooting guidance on this issue

Verification steps:

Run the file in the [Your Course Repository Folder]/Computing/Python/Theano/ folder, either via your Python IDE or through the terminal, and verify that it completes successfully, giving your a comparison of speeds between NumPy and Theano - if your machine does not have a compatible GPU, the two speeds should be similar - if your machine does have a compatible GPU, for this small test, the Theano time may be slower than the NumPy time because of data transfer overhead from and to the GPU; Theano saves time for much larger operations  

Theano Installation and Configuration on Windows

You may refer to the Theano installation and configuration guide for Windows here.

Appropriate steps vary from machine to machine. Consult Dr. Google and Prof. Stack Overflow whenever you get stuck.

In the Teaching Assistants’ own experience, the recommended key steps include:

  1. Install the Anaconda Python v2.7 distribution *(this should be already done, per instructions in a previous section)
  2. Install the additional Conda & PyPI packages per instructions in the previous section
  3. Find and install Visual Studio Community 2013
    • do NOT install the 2015 version, which is not compatible with the CUDA software below
  4. Install the CUDA graphics driver and toolkit v7 from NDIVIA in order to use the GPU to perform numerical computation
  5. Install the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python v2.7
  6. Install a GNU C Compiler (GCC) such as this
  7. Install GraphViz into a folder whose path has no blank spaces
  8. Open the file in the [Your Anaconda Installation Folder]/lib/site-packages/ folder. Locate the _find_graphviz function, comment its whole content out and replace with the following: return _find_executables(‘[YOUR GRAPHVIZ INSTALLATION FOLDER]/bin’)
  9. Copy the .theanorc file under [Your Course Repository Folder]/Computing/Python/Theano/Windows/ folder to C:/Users/[Your Windows User Name]/.theano/ folder, customize the copied file (NOT the original file) according to the comments, and save it  Verification steps: open your *CygWin terminaland:

  10. run where gcc and verify that the path to your GCC installation’s gcc.exe file appears

  11. run where nvcc and verify that the path to your CUDA installation’s nvcc.exe file appears
  12. run the file under [Your Course Repository Folder]/Computing/Python/Theano/, either via your Python IDE or through the terminal, and verify that it completes successfully, giving your a comparison of speeds between NumPy and Theano
    • if your machine does not have a compatible GPU, the two speeds should be similar
    • if your machine does have a compatible GPU, for this small test, the Theano time may be slower than the NumPy time because of data transfer overhead from and to the GPU; Theano saves time for much larger operations  

Theano Configurations [for info only]

Theano has a large number of configuration levers, the most common of which are discussed here.

You do not need to pay attention to those for this course.